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Popular accommodation types in Japan

24.10'13 - Jörg Nitzsche, Japan Interpreter

Japan offers a wide range of accommodations to meet varied needs and budgets. If you are visiting Japan for work or for leisure, learn about the popular accommodation types to decide which one works best for you.

Accommodation in Japan can be divided in to two main types-the Japanese style and the Western style. The Japanese style of accommodation includes Ryokan, Minshuku, and the Japanese style houses and apartments. Ryokan are the traditional Japanese style inns with rooms in Japanese style. Minshuku are the Japanese bread and breakfast lodgings. Japanese apartments and houses are given for shot term stays to foreigners and feature traditional, or modern interiors. If you wish to experience Japanese lifestyle, you may book any of these accommodations.

On the contrary, if you prefer the Western style of living, you can stay in one of the various Japanese or International hotels spread all across Japan. If you are looking for budget accommodation, you may consider dormitories and hostels. These accommodation types are ideal for enjoying decent lodging and meal at the lowest possible rates.

In Japan, you would come across some unique accommodation options too. To take just one example, they have capsule hotels in Japan. Male tourists who need nothing but a bed, and a television stay at such hotels. Capsule hotels also provide shared bathrooms and coin lockers to their guests.

Choose the accommodation that meets your individual needs and requirements and make your stay in Japan comfortable and enjoyable.

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